We aim to provide affordable, long-term residential support for individuals to recover from drug and alcohol addiction.

Our three stage programme will support people to overcome addiction and build a fulfilling life.

  • Residents will focus on becoming drug and alcohol-free, working with an external agency who will provide a reduction plan.

    They will live in our primary care facility, supported by trained staff. Through our daily, timetabled programme, residents will explore their addiction and develop tools to guide them in recovery, from managing finances to forming healthy relationships, life skills and social skills.

    New Chapters will introduce The 12 Steps internally through group work and externally by attending fellowship meetings in the community.

  • When residents are ready they will move into our Second Stage property where they will gain more responsibility for themselves and others. They will continue to engage in part of the Stage One timetable, focusing on becoming more independent. As part of this, residents in the Second Stage will be encouraged to provide peer support for those in Stage One.

  • In the Third Stage, residents will move into independent living.

    New Chapters will work with individuals who have completed First and Second Stages to secure privately rented accommodation or social housing.

    New Chapters will provide ongoing support to live in the community and move into training, volunteering and employment. We believe it is crucial for those in recovery to share their experience, and we will provide volunteering opportunities at New Chapters for those entering the Third Stage.

    As part of our Aftercare Programme, individuals will be invited to engage in a monthly therapeutic group to share their experiences, emotions and any struggles they face in recovery. We believe this connection is vital for their ongoing recovery.

What is the need?

Drug and alcohol addiction destroys families, deprives children of parents and increases crime in Leamington and Warwickshire.

Over 6,000 people are drug or alcohol dependent in Warwickshire and there are over 200 people in Leamington Spa alone registered with Council commissioned drug and alcohol services.

The service receives over 2,000 referrals a year across Coventry and Warwickshire.

One chaotic individual in addiction can cause huge harm in our towns. Our work will save the police, NHS and social services an estimated £5.22 for every £1 spent on addiction rehabilitation and recovery.

Sadly, there is limited public budget for in patient detox and rehabilitation. Individuals normally have to travel out of area for a short detox period lasting only a few weeks.

Private beds often cost thousands per week for the individual, which is completely out-of-reach for those living in homelessness and poverty. We will provide charity beds with an affordable service charge towards their keep.

New Chapters will offer support to family members. We will provide a safe space for them to get together through our family support groups to talk about the impact addiction has had on them and the family as a whole. We will explore healthy boundaries, learn how to trust again and their enabling behaviours.

Our work will save the police, NHS and social services an estimated £5.22 for every £1 spent on addiction rehab and recovery.