New Chapters Recovery Hub
New Chapters holds a 2.5 hour Recovery Hub once a week on a Monday 12:15-3pm at Dale Street Methodist Church in Leamington Spa.
New Chapters Recovery Hub is a safe and non-judgemental space, offering support to individuals who are interested in becoming drug and/or alcohol free and want to start the journey in finding recovery.
New Chapters believe that it is important for individuals who are in addiction to feel like they matter and to have a purpose. We will give individuals the opportunity to work on themselves and support each other to build up their self worth/esteem, to explore their lost dreams and to discover themselves again. This will be the first step to believing they are worth it.
The Need
New Chapters Recovery Hub provides a much needed service in the area. It is a mentoring service that is supported by individuals who have battled addiction and are in recovery. They give support to individuals accessing the service who are still struggling with addiction or who are in the early stages of recovery. They share their experiences as well as encourage, support and accept individuals for where they are, and with no expectations.
There are many individuals trapped in addiction in Warwickshire who feel isolated, alone and with no hope of their life ever improving. Many will lose contact with loved ones and friends due to the lifestyle they lead and the consequences that addiction brings. These circumstances can enhance the negative feelings that an addict is already feeling, resulting in severe depression, having no hope, and thoughts of despair.
New Chapters Recovery Hub will be overseen by recovering addicts who understand where these thoughts can take someone. It is undeniable that the therapeutic value of one addict supporting another addict is powerful and absolutely paramount in an individual's road to recovery. Recovering from any addiction is not easy. To keep busy, learn about yourself and change old habits for new is hard, but with the support of the New Chapters Recovery Hub, it will give individuals the chance and an opportunity to try, challenge and succeed.
Our Aims
New Chapters Recovery Hub will create a friendly, safe environment for individuals seeking recovery and who need support. The group will be managed and overseen by staff and volunteers who have lived experience and who understand the issues, chaos and destruction that is caused by addiction. They will support individuals who attend the sessions with empathy and compassion and give hope that recovery is actually possible for everyone who wants to make that change.
The group will create a service that offers positive and healthy boundaries and will be peer-led. Motivational activities, workshops, and supporting each other through an hourly group will allow individuals to find their voice, explore what their own needs are as well as their peers, and to break down what they are feeling and their thought processes. It will possibly be the first time in a long time that many individuals will have considered others’ feelings and looked at the consequences of their own actions.
Individuals will look at where they are at and what they want to achieve. They will be given small goals at the end of each session and share their efforts with us all the following week.
We will signpost to other services such as counselling if required.
Group Structure
For individuals wanting external support for recovery (not rehab)
Not everyone who comes into the group will want to do residential treatment in New Chapters Recovery House. This is ok. We will work with anyone looking for recovery and support them in the community with each step they take and at what pace suits them. We will welcome anyone who has had enough and is wanting change. The Recovery Hub will be a weekly session to discuss different aspects of addiction, how to regulate emotions, and the consequences of behaviours. Many individuals entrenched in addiction lead chaotic lives and lose the ability to conform to daily living. New Chapters Recovery Hub will support each individual in a safe setting. They will be encouraged to take part in the session with others in the same position as them, interact in a group setting, and start to communicate on a social level with volunteers, staff and other group members.
For individuals wanting to access New Chapters’ residential facility
The Recovery Hub is a vital part of the first stage process. This will be the foundation for where the transformation begins, where relationships with staff, volunteers and other residents are formed before admission to the first stage house. The session will allow us to monitor a potential resident's behaviour, establish their needs, measure their commitment to the program and how much they want recovery. It will also help us to see the dynamics between the group. New Chapters Rehabilitation House will support vulnerable individuals, including the homeless community, to become free from substances and work towards sustainable, long-term recovery.