New Chapters Launches Recovery Hub
New Chapters holds a 2.5 hour Recovery Hub once a week every Monday 12:15-3pm and a drop-in coffee session every Thursday 12:30-2:30pm at Dale Street Methodist Church in Leamington Spa.
New Chapters Recovery Hub is a safe and non-judgemental space, offering support to individuals who are interested in becoming drug and/or alcohol free and want to start the journey in finding recovery.
We believe that it is important for individuals who are in addiction to feel like they matter and to have a purpose. We will give individuals the opportunity to work on themselves and support each other to build up their self worth/esteem, to explore their lost dreams and to discover themselves again. This will be the first step to believing they are worth it.
Sessions will include activities, workshops, groups, podcasts and lunch & refreshments.
If you are struggling with addiction and are looking for support and connection with others who have been there and come out the other side, please call 07596 229729.